Kia Carens


Kia Carens


6 passengers


Yes, as long as a vehicle is available in the station; however, we recommend making a reservation because no vehicle may be available during busy periods

Taxi/Vehicles can be reserved six months in advance. Reservations can also be made 30 minutes* prior to pick-up if a vehicle is required at the last minute subject to availability. Some stations cannot accept reservations made 30 minutes or less prior to pick-up. If the vehicle needs to be picked up within 30 minutes of the opening time of the station, the reservation must be made the day before, 30 minutes prior to the closing time.

We accept reservations for a rental period as per your travel period

No. We Charge for Both ways

Intercity Taxi rental fares constitute of various components as below: 1. Per KM Rate: This is base rate which will be charged on every KM travelled. The rate varies with car models and operators. 2. Minimum KM charged per day: There is a minimum distance which will be charged for every day of usage. In case the actual travelled distance is higher, the later will be charged. Generally the minimum distance charged per day is 250 KM. Please consider the following example for clarity: If you are using the vehicle for 3 days the minimum we will charge you for is 3*250=750 Km, in case your actual usage for the three days (combined) is less (say 500 Km) we will still charge you for 750 Km and in case your usage is higher than 750, we will charge you for your actual KM used. 3. Daily Driver allowances: For intercity travel customers need to pay driver allowances. The allowance amount varies with operator. Some operator might also have separate day and night allowances. 4. Toll, parking and state taxes: These will be charged on actual basis 5. Definition of a day: Day is defined as 12 midnight to next day 12 midnight for all the calculation purposes. 6.Weekend prices/ Hill Station Prices / High season prices are different

Local Taxi rental fares constitute of various components as below: 1. Base fare: This is base rate which will be charged. The base fares are generally available as 8 hour 80 KM packages, from Garage to Garage 2. Additional KM charges: In case the actual travel is more than the KM mentioned in the base package, additional amount per additional KM need to be paid. 3. additional hour charges: In case the actual hours are more than the usage hour mentioned in the base package, additional amount per additional hour need to paid. 4. Toll and parking charges: These will be charged on actual at the end of the journey. You need to settle this with the driver in return for the relevant receipts.